Pūjya Bhante Anālayo is a Buddhist Monk who has renounced the worldly life after his postgraduate studies in search of sustainable peace and happiness. His pursuit of inner peace and the quest for uncovering the relationship between inner purity in transforming intellect and emotions, led Bhante Anālayo to explore various spiritual paths.
Through his journey, he realised that cultivation is integral to one’s daily life. Everyone has basic needs, from education to social support, to psychological well-being and economic stability where collectively, they form the foundations through which a person can attain sustainable peace. Hence, he established the Maitreya Buddha Vihara Trust and launched the Maitreya Mission with the singular goal of supporting individuals in realising the truth of “you are your own island”. Central to Bhante Anālayo’s vision is the belief that by providing supportive facilities, individuals can be supported and empowered to cultivate themselves to be better versions of themselves. They can become their own teachers through the process of self-discovery and be self-reliant. Collectively, the vision of realising an Awakened India can be achieved.
Through his profound journey, Bhante Anālayo came to a profound realisation: that cultivation is not just a practice, but an integral part of daily existence. Recognising the fundamental human needs for education, social support, psychological well-being, and economic stability, he founded the Maitreya Buddha Vihara Trust and initiated the Maitreya Mission. With a steadfast commitment to the core truth of ‘you are your own island,’ Bhante Anālayo’s vision is clear and resolute. He believes that by providing essential facilities and steadfast support, individuals can embark on the transformative journey of self-discovery, becoming their own guides and architects of their destiny. This empowerment fosters self-reliance and collective growth, ultimately leading to the realisation of an Awakened India, where each individual embodies their highest potential.
Over the years, Bhante Anālayo has led Maitreya Buddha Vihara Trust, collaborating with various local communities and schools in carrying out a wide range of educational and social initiatives to engage with all layers of the society. The Maitreya Mission extends beyond material support. For those able to devote their time and energies to practice meditation, a comprehensive program of spiritual activities such as meditation and yoga are available. These activities aim to foster a sense of self-reliance and enable individuals to embark on the journey towards self actualisation.
Bhante Anālayo envisions that these efforts will empower individuals to navigate their paths towards sustainable peace and happiness.
“Though one may conquer a thousand times a thousand men in battle, yet he indeed is the noblest victor who conquers himself.”